And here we are in January again, having been through the festive mill of over-eating, over-spending and generally overindulging - or at least that’s what we’re told. Because with all the pressures around Christmas, it can end up feeling as though you have actually not been indulging yourself, rather going through the motions at the EXPENSE of yourself (perhaps it’s just me?!)
In the middle of Winter when our vitamin D reserves are at their most depleted we embark on a circuit of partying, concerts (if you’re a choir director, like me) and over-doing it, when after a long term, or break since the summer we are often exhausted and most in need of rest, especially as parents giving out to little ones day in, day out, 24/7.
So if you are feeling thoroughly exhausted, do try and STOP! Put your guilt to one side and take the time to indulge yourself, even if it’s just a little bit. Put your feet up and read a book, go for a walk (or join the hordes at the gym), do small, simple things which give you pleasure and allow you to switch off and relax. It’s so important that you do. So that you are ok in yourself and so that you can carry on being the loving, caring, patient parent you want to be.
My resolution this year is to try and feed my creative soul better by actually getting out and seeing culture. I am from the countryside and love nature, the space and sky you see there. It feeds my soul and makes me feel so much better; having space to think and relativise all the things which usually stress me. Living in London and not having as much access to that kind of space, it’s cultural activities which feed my soul, imagination and inspiration. So far I’ve been to one classical piano concert, which was incredibly beautiful and did me no end of good.